OAuth Grant Flow

OAuth Grant Flow

This document will guide you through the steps to authenticate and authorise your application with Zepto using OAuth.

card icon

Register your application with Zepto


Obtain an authorisation code


Exchange the authorisation code for an access token



Authentication and Authorisation

Zepto uses OAuth2 over https to manage authentication and authorisation.

OAuth2 is a protocol that lets external applications request permission from another Zepto user to send requests on their behalf without getting their password.

This is preferred over Basic Authentication because access tokens can be limited by scope and can be revoked by the user at any time.


New to OAuth2? DigitalOcean has a fantastic 5 minute introduction to OAuth2.

We currently support the authorisation code and refresh token grants.

Refresh Token Grant

curl -F "grant_type=refresh_token" \
      -F "client_id={{oauth2_application_id}}" \
      -F "client_secret={{oauth2_application_secret }}" \
      -F "refresh_token={{refresh_token}}" \
      -X POST https://go.sandbox.zeptopayments.com/oauth/token
  "access_token": "ad0b5847cb7d254f1e2ff1910275fe9dcb95345c9d54502d156fe35a37b93e80",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "cc38f78a5b8abe8ee81cdf25b1ca74c3fa10c3da2309de5ac37fde00cbcf2815",
  "scope": "public"

When using the authorisation code grant above, Zepto will return a refresh token along with the access token. Access tokens are short lived and last 2 hours but refresh tokens do not expire.

When the access token expires, instead of sending the user back through the authorisation flow you can use the refresh token to retrieve a new access token with the same permissions as the old one.


NOTE: The refresh_token gets regenerated and sent alongside the new access_token. In other words, refresh_tokens are single use so you'll want to store the newly generated refresh_token everytime you use it to get a new access_token


Scopes define the level of access granted via the OAuth2 authorisation process. As a best practice, only use the scopes your application will require.

publicView user's public information
agreementsManage user's Agreements
bank_accountsManage user's Bank Accounts
bank_connectionsManage user's Bank Connections
contactsManage user's Contacts
open_agreementsManage user's Open Agreements
paymentsManage user's Payments
payment_requestsManage user's Payment Requests
refundsManage user's Refunds
transfersManage user's Transfers
transactionsAccess user's Transactions
webhooksManage user's Webhook events
offline_accessCreate non-expiring access tokens for user
pay_to_agreementsManage PayTo Agreements
pay_to_amendment_recallsManage PayTo Agreement Amendment/Recalls
pay_to_amendmentsManage PayTo Agreement Amendment
pay_to_cancellationsManage PayTo Agreement Cancellations
pay_to_paymentsManage PayTo Payments
pay_to_reactivationsManage PayTo Agreement Reactivations
pay_to_refundsManage PayTo Refunds
pay_to_suspensionsManage PayTo Agreement Suspensions
pay_to_aliasesManage PayTo Aliases


Please use offline_access with discretion, as you'll have no direct way to invalidate the token. Please contact Zepto immediately if any token may have potentially been compromised.

1. Register your application with Zepto

Once you've got your account up and running, sign in and create an OAuth2 profile for your application:

NameThe name of your application. When using the Authorisation Grant Flow, users will see this name as the application requesting access to their account.
Redirect URISet this to your application's endpoint charged with receiving the authorisation code.

2. Obtain an authorisation code

Construct the initial URL the user will need to visit in order to grant your application permission to act on his/her behalf. The constructed URL describes the level of permission (scope), the application requesting permission (client_id) and where the user gets redirected once they've granted permission (redirect_uri).

The URL should be formatted to look like this:

response_typeAlways set to code
client_idThis is your Application ID as generated when you registered your application with Zepto
redirect_uriURL where the user will get redirected along with the newly generated authorisation code
scopeThe scope of permission you're requesting

3. Exchange the authorisation code for an access token

  • When the user visits the above-mentioned URL, they will be presented with a Zepto login screen and then an authorisation screen:

  • After the user has authorised your application, they will be returned to your application at the URL specified in redirect_uri along with the code query parameter as the authorisation code.
  • Finally, the authorisation code can then be exchanged for an access token and refresh token pair by POSTing to: https://go.sandbox.zeptopayments.com/oauth/token


Note: The authorisation code is a ONE-TIME use code. It will not work again if you try to POST it a second time.

grant_typeSet to authorization_code
client_idThis is your Application ID as generated when you registered your application with Zepto
client_secretThis is your Secret as generated when you registered your application with Zepto
codeThe authorisation code returned with the user (ONE-TIME use)
redirect_uriSame URL used in step 3

4. Wrap-up

Now that you have an access token and refresh token, you can interact with the Zepto API as the user related to the access token.

To do so, you must simply append the access token to the header of any API request: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

Demo video

Here's a quick demo video on creating an OAuth grant flow using Postman app: