PayTo Glossary


Some glossary items to familiarise with before we dive in further.

card icon
Common AbbreviationsDescriptions
AP+Australian Payment Plus
BECSBulk Electronic Clearing System
Bilateral actionsWhere an Agreement action requires authorisation from the other party
BBANBasic Bank Account Number
BIBasic Infrastructure
CIConnected Institution
CreditorThe party to whom money is owing.
DebtorThe party that owes money.
FIFinancial Institution
InitiatorThe merchant or third party processor (TTP), if applicable
MandateThe informal name for a PayTo Agreement
NPPNew Payments Platform
NPPANew Payments Platform Australia
PayeeThe party that is receiving funds.
PayerThe party that is sending funds.
OFIOther Financial Institution
Unilateral actionsWhere an Agreement action does not require the authorisation from the other party