PayTo Refunds

PayTo Refunds

This article will guide you on how to process a PayTo refund via NPP.

card icon

  • Refunds can be made against settled PayTo payments.
  • Funds will be debited from the nominated Zepto float account and returned to the BBAN or PayID specified in the original PayTo agreement from which funds were collected.


As refunds are sent via NPP, both the debtor (Zepto float account) and creditor (original source account) must be NPP enabled. These payments will be cleared & settled in real-time.

Multiple refunds can be processed against a single PayTo payment, up to the total value of the PayTo payment.

Creating a PayTo Refund

When initiating a PayTo refund, you'll need to specify the following request parameters:

uid* (required)Supplied 64-character unique identifier for the refund request. This identifier ensures payment uniqueness between integrator systems and Zepto.
original_payment_uid* (required)The unique PayTo Payment UID to validate and process the refund against.
refund_payment: type* (required)float_bank_payment is currently the only valid value. This tells our system to debit the float account.
refund_payment: float_bank_account_id* (required)The ID of the Zepto float account to be debited.
refund_payment: amount* (required)The amount (in cents) to be refunded.
refund_payment: description* (required)Supplied 280-character free-form text for reconciliation purposes.

Typically this field will be shown to both parties on bank statements.

Initiating a PayTo Refund

This example demonstrates a refund against a settled PayTo payment.


POST payto/refunds

  "uid": "refund-uid-3",
  "original_payment_uid": "biz_payment_000123",
  "refund_payment": {
    "type": "float_bank_payment",
    "float_bank_account_id": "fgbq8046-fud2-25af-82c0-yb967539f100",
    "amount": 42,
    "description": "Partial refund for Zeptinghouse Smart Fridge 300L"
    "data": {
        "uid": "refund-uid-3",
        "original_payment_uid": "biz_payment_000123",
        "refund_payment": {
            "type": "float_bank_payment",
            "float_bank_account_id": "fgbq8046-fud2-25af-82c0-yb967539f100",
            "amount": 42,
            "description": "Partial refund for Zeptinghouse Smart Fridge 300L"
        "state": "created",
        "failure": null,
        "created_at": "2024-09-09T10:40:40+10:00",
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "payment": ""
    "errors": [
            "title": "Request body is not valid JSON",
            "detail": "Error occurred while parsing request parameters"
    "errors": [
            "code": "ZPREF06",
            "title": "Total refunds greater than original payment amount",
            "detail": "The sum of all refunds is greater than the original payment"


Upon submission, a synchronous response will show one of the following:

  • Successful: 200 response
  • Failed:
    • 400: Bad request
    • 422: Unprocessable entity


Note: Webhooks are only available for PayTo refund requests that have received a 201 response from Zepto (i.e. successful request).

  "data": {
    "id": "0191d43f-c47b-d0b0-b9bf-375bd0c54535",
    "body": null,
    "type": "payto_refund.processed",
    "published_at": "2024-09-09T10:47:14.555+10:00",
    "resource_uid": "refund-uid-3",
    "resource_type": "payto_refund",
    "resource_metadata": {}
  "links": {
    "resource": ""
  "data": {
    "id": "0191d452-193e-0429-bbe9-52686827cf95",
    "body": {
      "failure": {
        "code": "AC07",
        "title": "Closed Creditor Account Number",
        "detail": "The Payee Customer account is closed"
    "type": "payto_refund.failed",
    "published_at": "2024-09-09T11:07:15.902+10:00",
    "resource_uid": "refund-uid-6",
    "resource_type": "payto_refund",
    "resource_metadata": {}
  "links": {
    "resource": ""

Notable Webhook Fields

resource_uidThe unique identifier of the refund


A special Sandbox testing object is available to simulate outcomes.

Available simulations:

  • creditor_alias_not_found
  • payment_rejected
  • success

Simulation Attribute Sample

"sandbox": {
  "simulate": "success"